Postgraduate Certificate in Health Research Ethics and Methodology

Programme Description

The Postgraduate Certificate in Health Research Ethics and Methodology (PCHREM) is a 12-month hybrid (in-person, virtual, and asynchronous) learning experience for eligible candidates. Trainees will develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and competencies necessary to bridge the gap between theory and practice through the interpretation and application of knowledge by incorporating learning activities that address metacognitive learning. At the end of the programme, trainees will gain mastery and competencies to serve as research ethics committee members, research faculty, and ethics policy developers who would support the improvement of the research ethics and methodology landscape in the country.

Programme Objective

The objective of PCHREM is to improve the capacity of health professionals, academic scholars, and researchers in health research ethics and methodology.

         Programme Facts

Registration for the 2024-2025 cohort is now closed.

Programme Learning Outcomes

At the end of the PCHREM Programme, trainees will:

  • Develop competencies in different research methodologies.
  • Develop skills and competencies to critically review and appraise research evidence.
  • Demonstrate increased knowledge and skills related to health research ethics and methodology.
  • Apply principles and concepts related to ethics in reviewing study research protocols.
  • Utilize advocacy skills to promote research ethics in The Gambia.
  • Utilize research skills and mastery to perform health research ethics with scientific integrity and rigor.

Programme Content

Semester 1 / Fall

  • REM 501: Introduction to Research Ethics
  • REM 502: Responsible Conduct of Research
  • REM 503: Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Research and Institutional Review Boards

Semester 2 / Spring

  • REM 504: Ethics and Globalization of Health Research
  • REM 505: Overview of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods
  • REM 506: Leading in Team Science

Semester 3 / Summer

  • REM 507: Scholarly Project

Level of Trainees

Postgraduate students, academic scholars, and health professionals are eligible to apply.

Admission Requirements - Eligibility Criteria

To be admitted to the Postgraduate Certificate Health Research Ethics and Methodology, candidates must satisfy the prescribed minimum conditions.

  • Completion of a bachelor’s degree programme.
  • Proficiency in writing and speaking English.
  • Submission of the application form and supporting documents.
  • Active participation in a workshop sponsored by GamREMTI.
  • Applicants must reside in The Gambia at the time they apply and during the course of the programme.

Application Submission Process

The following process will be followed as determined by the UTG enrollment process online through the UTG portal attaching all relevant documents.

  • eApplication form
  • University Transcript
  • Letter of Attestation/Certificate.
  • Resume or curriculum vitae
  • Certificate of workshop completion (GamREMTI)
  • A 500-word statement expressing interest and future goals.
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport size picture

Application Process

  • Application portal is open.
  • Interested and qualified applicants pay for an application form at the bank (Trust Bank/GTB) D500.
  • Candidate uses the pin to access the online application form via the UTG Portal System.
  • Candidate completes the required details, uploads all documents, and submits.
  • Candidate receives a message of a submitted application.
  • Admissions and department head will review for eligibility and fulfillment of requirements.

GamREMTI Selection Process

  • Programme faculty will conduct the initial screening process after reviewing each application package.
  • An interview will be held with the shortlisted candidates
  • The Advisory Board will make the final selection of six (6) candidates who shall be fully supported through the Fogarty grant.
  • Qualified candidates will also be given the option to self-pay or obtain financial support from their institutions.

Application Deadline: Application for the 2024-2025 cohort is now closed.

Programme Faculty and Staff

University of The Gambia (UTG):

Medical Research Council, Gambia Unit (MRCG):

University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), USA: